Source code for movekit.preprocess

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
import utm
from datetime import datetime
from .utils import presence_3d
from .feature_extraction import grouping_data, regrouping_data

[docs]def from_dataframe(data, dictionary): """ Reformat an existing DataFrame to make it compatible with movekit :param data: pandas DataFrame. The data to be reformatted :param dictionary: Key-value pairs of column names. Keys store the old column names. The respective new column names are stored as their values. Values that need to be defined include 'time', 'animal_id', 'x' and 'y' :return: pandas DataFrame """ # perform a check mandatory = ['time', 'animal_id', 'x', 'y'] passed = all(elem in dictionary.values() for elem in mandatory) if passed: return data.rename(mapper=dictionary, axis=1) else: raise ValueError('Must contain the column names "time", "animal_id", "x" and "y"')
[docs]def interpolate(data, limit=1, limit_direction="forward", inplace=False, method="linear", order=1, date_format=False): """ Interpolate over missing values in pandas Dataframe of movement records. Interpolation methods consist of "linear", "polynomial, "time", "index", "pad". (see :param data: Pandas DataFrame of movement records :param limit: Maximum number of consecutive NANs to fill :param limit_direction: If limit is specified, consecutive NaNs will be filled in this direction. :param inplace: Update the data in place if possible. :param method: Interpolation technique to use. Default is "linear". :param order: To be used in case of polynomial or spline interpolation. :param date_format: Boolean to define whether time is some kind of date format. In this case column type has to be converted before calling interpolate. :return: Interpolated DataFrame. """ # converting time column if needed if date_format: if 'time' in data.columns: timestamp_column = data['time'].apply(lambda x: x.timestamp()) time_difference = timestamp_column.apply(lambda x: datetime.fromtimestamp(x))[data['time'].first_valid_index()]\ - data['time'][data['time'].first_valid_index()] data['time'] = data['time'].apply(lambda x: x.timestamp()) else: warnings.warn('Please rename the time column to "time".') # Interpolating record data if method != "polynomial" and method != "spline": interp = data.interpolate(limit=limit, limit_direction=limit_direction, inplace=inplace, method=method) else: interp = data.interpolate(limit=limit, limit_direction=limit_direction, inplace=inplace, method=method, order=order) # convert time column back to date if date_format: interp['time'] = interp['time'].apply(lambda x: datetime.fromtimestamp(x)) - time_difference return interp
# Function only plots missings for all animals, therefore dead parameter
[docs]def plot_missing_values(data): """ Plot the missing values of an animal-ID against time. :param data: Pandas DataFrame containing records of movement. :return: None. """ # Visualizing the count of missing values for all attributes- data.isnull().sum().plot(kind='bar') plt.xticks(rotation=20) plt.title("Visualizing count of missing values for all attributes") return None
[docs]def preprocess(data, dropna=True, interpolation=False, limit=1, limit_direction="forward", inplace=False, method="linear", order=1, date_format = False): """ Function to perform data preprocessing. Print the number of missing values per column; Drop columns with missing values for 'time' and 'animal_id'; Remove the duplicated rows found. :param data: DataFrame to perform preprocessing on :param dropna: Optional parameter to drop columns with missing values for 'time' and 'animal_id' :param interpolation: Optional parameter to perform interpolation :param limit: Maximum number of consecutive NANs to fill :param limit_direction: If limit is specified, consecutive NaNs will be filled in this direction. :param inplace: Update the data in place if possible. :param method: Interpolation technique to use. Default is "linear". :param order: To be used in case of polynomial or spline interpolation. :param date_format: Boolean to define whether time is some kind of date format. Important for interpolation. :return: Preprocessed DataFrame. """ # Print the number of missing values per column print_missing(data) # Interpolate data with missings if interpolation: data = interpolate(data, limit=limit, limit_direction=limit_direction, inplace=inplace, method=method, order=order, date_format=date_format) # Drop columns with missing values for 'time' and 'animal_id' if dropna: data.dropna(subset=['animal_id', 'time'], inplace=True) # Remove the duplicated rows found above data.drop_duplicates(subset=['animal_id', 'time'], inplace=True) return data
[docs]def filter_dataframe(data, frm, to): """ Extract records of assigned time frame from preprocessed movement record data. :param data: Pandas DataFrame, containing preprocessed movement record data. :param frm: Int, defining starting point from where to extract records.Note that if time is stored as a date (if input data has time not stored as numeric type it is automatically converted to datetime) parameter has to be set using an datetime format: mkit.filter_dataframe(data, "2008-01-01", "2010-10-01") :param to: Int, defining end point up to where to extract records. :return: Pandas DataFrame, filtered by records matching the defined frame in 'from'-'to'. """ return data.loc[(data['time'] >= frm) & (data['time'] <= to), :]
[docs]def replace_parts_animal_movement(data_groups, animal_id, time_array, replacement_value_x, replacement_value_y, replacement_value_z=None): """ Replace subsets (segments) of animal movement based on some indices e.g. time. This function can be used to remove outliers. Example usage: data_groups = grouping_data(data) arr_index = np.array([10, 20, 200, 20000, 40000, 43200]) replaced_data_groups = replace_parts_animal_movement(data_groups, 811, arr_index, 100, 90) :param data_groups: DataFrame containing the movement records. :param animal_id: Int defining 'animal_id' whose movements have to be replaced. :param time_array: Array defining time indices whose movements have to replaced (array of integers if time has integer format, array of strings with datetime if time is datetime format) :param replacement_value_x: Int value that will replace all 'x' attribute values in 'time_array'. :param replacement_value_y: Int value that will replace all 'y' attribute values in 'time_array'. :param replacement_value_z: Int value that will replace all 'z' attribute values in 'time_array'. (optional) :return: Dictionary with replaced subsets. """ # Grouping DataFrame data_groups = grouping_data(data_groups, preprocessedMethod=True) data_groups[animal_id].loc[data_groups[animal_id]["time"].isin(time_array), 'x'] = replacement_value_x data_groups[animal_id].loc[data_groups[animal_id]["time"].isin(time_array), 'y'] = replacement_value_y if presence_3d(data_groups[animal_id]): data_groups[animal_id].loc[data_groups[animal_id]["time"].isin(time_array), 'z'] = replacement_value_z return regrouping_data(data_groups)
[docs]def resample_systematic(data_groups, downsample_size): """ Resample the movement data of each animal - by downsampling at fixed time intervals. This is done to reduce the resolution of the dataset. This function does this by systematically choosing samples from each animal. :param data_groups: DataFrame containing the movement records. :param downsample_size: Int sample size to which each animal has to be reduced by downsampling. :return: DataFrame, modified from original size 'data_groups' to 'downsample_size'. """ # group the dataFrame data_groups = grouping_data(data_groups, preprocessedMethod=True) # Get first key- first = list(data_groups.keys())[0] # size of each animal's group- size = data_groups[first].shape[0] step_size = math.floor(size / downsample_size) l = list(range(size)) arr_index = l[0:(step_size * downsample_size):step_size] # Convert list to numpy array- arr_index = np.asarray(arr_index) # Modified 'data_groups' downsampled Python 3 dictionary- data_groups_downsampled = {} for aid in data_groups.keys(): data_groups_downsampled[aid] = data_groups[aid].loc[arr_index, :] data_groups_downsampled = regrouping_data(data_groups_downsampled) return data_groups_downsampled
[docs]def resample_random(data_groups, downsample_size): """ Resample the movement data of each animal - by downsampling at random time intervals. This is done to reduce resolution of the dataset. This function does this by randomly choosing samples from each animal. :param data_groups: DataFrame containing the movement records. :param downsample_size: Int sample size to which each animal has to be reduced by downsampling. :return: DataFrame, modified from original size 'data_groups' to 'downsample_size'. """ # group the dataFrame data_groups = grouping_data(data_groups, preprocessedMethod=True) # Get first key- first = list(data_groups.keys())[0] # size of each animal's group- size = data_groups[first].shape[0] # Random index (numpy.ndarray)- ix_random = np.random.randint(0, size, downsample_size) # Modified 'data_groups' downsampled Python 3 dictionary- data_groups_downsampled = {} for aid in data_groups.keys(): data_groups_downsampled[aid] = data_groups[aid].loc[ix_random, :] data_groups_downsampled = regrouping_data(data_groups_downsampled) return data_groups_downsampled
[docs]def split_trajectories(data_groups, segment, fuzzy_segment=0, csv=False): """ Split trajectory of a single animal into several segments based on specific criterion. Example usage: data_groups = group_animals(data) split_trajectories_fuzzy_segmentation(data_groups, segment = 5, fuzzy_segment = 5) :param data_groups: DataFrame with movement records. :param segment: Int, defining point where the animals are split into several Pandas Data Frames. :param fuzzy_segment: Int, defining interval which will overlap on either side of the segments. :param csv: Boolean, defining if each interval shall be exported locally as singular csv :return: Dictionary with the created DataFrames for each animal. """ # Group the DataFrame data_groups = grouping_data(data_groups, preprocessedMethod=True) # Get first key- first = list(data_groups.keys())[0] size = data_groups[first].shape[0] segment_size = math.floor(size / segment) groups = {} for aid in data_groups.keys(): beg, end = 0, segment_size # groups['group_' + str(aid)] = data_groups[aid] for l in range(segment): # groups['group_' + str(aid)]['df' + str(l + 1)] = data_groups[aid].iloc[beg: end, :] groups['group_' + str(aid) + '_df' + str(l + 1)] = data_groups[aid].iloc[beg:end, :] beg, end = end - fuzzy_segment, end + segment_size + fuzzy_segment if csv == True: for k in groups.keys(): groups[k].to_csv(k + '.csv', index=False) return groups
[docs]def convert_measueres(preprocessed_data, x_min=0, x_max=1, y_min=0, y_max=1, z_min=0, z_max=1): """ Create a linear scale with input parameters for x,y for transformation of position data. :param preprocessed_data: Pandas DataFrame only with x and y position data :param x_min: int minimum for x - default: 0. :param x_max: int maximum for x - default: 1. :param y_min: int minimum for y - default: 0. :param y_max: int maximum for y - default: 1. :param z_min: int minimum for z - default: 0. :param z_max: int maximum for z - default: 1. :return: Pandas DataFrame with linearly transformed position data. """ # Preventing features input along position data if [*preprocessed_data.columns] != ['time', 'animal_id', 'x', 'y'] and [*preprocessed_data.columns] != ['time', 'animal_id', 'x', 'y', 'z']: print( "\nError! Conversion only allowed for dataframes with colnames ['time', 'animal_id', 'x', " "'y'] or ['time', 'animal_id', 'x', 'y', 'z']. \n") return None # Linear Transformation of position dimensions preprocessed_data.loc[:, "x"] = np.interp( preprocessed_data.loc[:, "x"], (preprocessed_data.loc[:, "x"].min(), preprocessed_data.loc[:, "x"].max()), (x_min, x_max)) preprocessed_data.loc[:, "y"] = np.interp( preprocessed_data.loc[:, "y"], (preprocessed_data.loc[:, "y"].min(), preprocessed_data.loc[:, "y"].max()), (y_min, y_max)) if presence_3d(preprocessed_data): preprocessed_data.loc[:, "z"] = np.interp( preprocessed_data.loc[:, "z"], (preprocessed_data.loc[:, "z"].min(), preprocessed_data.loc[:, "z"].max()), (z_min, z_max)) return preprocessed_data
[docs]def normalize(data): """ Normalizes values for the 'x' and 'y' column :param data: DataFrame to perform preprocessing on :return: normalized DataFrame """ data['x'] = (data['x'] - data['x'].min()) / (data['x'].max() - data['x'].min()) data['y'] = (data['y'] - data['y'].min()) / (data['y'].max() - data['y'].min()) if presence_3d(data): data['z'] = (data['z'] - data['z'].min()) / (data['z'].max() - data['z'].min()) return data
[docs]def delete_mover(data, animal_id): """ Delete a particular mover from the DataFrame :param data: DataFrame :param animal_id: int. The animal_id as found in the column animal_id :return: DataFrame """ return data.drop(data[data['animal_id'] == animal_id].index)
[docs]def convert_latlon(data, latitude='latitude', longitude='longitude', replace=True): """ Project data from GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) to the cartesian coordinate system :param data: DataFrame with GPS coordinates :param latitude: str. Name of the column where latitude is stored :param longitude: str. Name of the column where longitude is stored :param replace: bool. Flag whether the xy columns should replace the latlon columns :return: DataFrame after the transformation where latitude is projected into y and longitude is projected into x """ # get utm zone to check if all points are in same utm zone utm_coord = utm.from_latlon(data[latitude].iloc[0], data[longitude].iloc[0]) zone = utm_coord[2] data['x'] = np.nan data['y'] = np.nan for i, row in data.iterrows(): # get the xy coordinates utm_coord = utm.from_latlon(row[latitude], row[ longitude]) # utm converts a (latitude, longitude) tuple into the form (EASTING, NORTHING, ZONE_NUMBER, ZONE_LETTER x = utm_coord[0] y = utm_coord[1] # add to dataFrame[i, 'x'] = x[i, 'y'] = y # issue warning if unseen zone if utm_coord[2] != zone: warnings.warn("Input data spans multiple UTM zones. Projection into plane will likely be inaccurate.") if replace: data.drop(latitude, axis=1, inplace=True) data.drop(longitude, axis=1, inplace=True) return data